Running For The Border ...

Wouldn't it be lovely to add another upbeat and cheery blog to the world? Don't hold your breath. You'll get what I get: sometimes great, sometimes crap. It's a rollercoaster ride with Sybil at the switch, so hold on to your shorts! If you have questions you want answered in a future post, feel free to ask in the comments section, and I'll do my best to accommodate you. No two days are the same~some days I'm here, some days I'm not, but lemme tell ya, kids, IT'S NEVER DULL!

Crappy Easter Weekend? You Could Say That

I forgot I had a blog. How does THAT happen? I forgot armed robbery was a criminal offense...

Easter was an interesting weekend. Unfortunately for me, I became ill several days before the holiday, which in itself is not unusual. Mostly it was a huge pain in my ever-shrinking ass.

Having my son come to spend some time here with his wife spurred me into more cleaning than I am generally capable of doing, and I did it while clutching my abdomen and groaning pathetically. I'm HUGELY grateful that I was alone for nearly all of it because, listen, is that sad or what?

The struggles with my health are epic and could fill pages should I choose to make the blog about them. I choose not to, although who knows what will happen as time passes? Over the last few weeks our insurance company has proven its Benedict Arnold soul again and again, as my frustration grows. While I continue to grow sicker, the insurance arbitrarily denies or approves certain tests and medications. I never know from day-to-day what is going to be allowed. And of course there's never an explanation.

ANYWAY. For whatever reason, the IBS that plagues me hit with a vengeance, and everything hurt. Putting anything into my system caused pain; consequently, I stopped putting anything into it. This isn't necessarily good because after a few days, it becomes difficult for me to eat ANYTHING, and the thought of food makes me nauseous. That's where I was on Saturday and Sunday, after several days of trying to get things under control. Monday started lousy, and improved with my determination to simply get SOMETHING in there. The something, which changes with each cycle of this vicious illness, turned out to be cheerios.

Today isn't so bad. Again, I started with the cheerios, and added some gluten-free nut clusters. Not too bad. I managed a bit of plain chicken breast and boiled yam at lunch. Its sad how proud I am that I managed to eat.

Unfortunately, the next step is trying to maintain some sort of natural bowel function. I cannot get in to see a doctor in any normal time frame. Appointments are booked 8 weeks out, so by the time I get in, I'm either back to feeling relatively normal, or the original problem has resolved itself and something else is wrong. I refuse to sit in Urgent Care, or clog the Emergency Room. I just deal with this as it happens, every month or so, and hope that some how, some way, I will find out what it is that causes it, and  keep it to a minimum.